Description of the INDY IV teaser trailer? (POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!)

Hey guys,

I got this from an INDY fan via myspace. I don't know if it's authentic, but if it is...damn! Sounds like a clever way of combining BOTH the Ark AND the Crystal Skull legends....


Paramount Logo

Black screen

We hear a low buzzing

Shot of a mass of big jeeps crossing the desert

Fade to black

JIM BROADBENT: There are many secrets in this world...

Shot of a wooden box being loaded onto a loader

fade to black

JIM BROADBENT: ..that man was not meant to discover!

Shot of the Ark being lifted out of its confinds as military scientists watch in awe.

fade to black

A shot of the lid being lifted off the ark

cut to black

Cut to Indy and Jim in a university hallway

JIM BROADBENT: There are others who seek the power of the ark now!

cut to black

Shot of Indy leaving the university, looks like he's being watched

Shot a woman in a white dress stepping from a vehicle

CATE: Your services are required Dr Jones

Shot of Cate talking to Indy, she opens a box revealing a Crystal skull

INDIANA: Im sorry i Cant help you!!

Shot of Marion tied up in the back of a vehicle kicking and screaming. The door opens and Indy reacts.

CATE: Your her life!

INDIANA: Marion!

Shot of a ship crossing the ocean

Massive shot of Indy and Ray winstone in a temple

Shot of Shia fighting next to rotating blades

Shot of a huge Mayan city

Shot of Indy racing through catacombs

Shot of Cate slapping Marion, Marion slaps her back.

Shot of Cate by the crystal skull alter, a fleet of soldier behind her, we can just see the ark,
she places a crystal skull down!

Shot of Jim Broadbent looking very worried.

Shot of A Mayan temple exploding with the power of the Ark

Shot of Indy and Shia swinging across A huge ravine walls collapsing around them. Shia slips at the edge. Indy grabs his Hand.


Shot of Marion punching Indy

INDY: I should have seen that coming!



If this is true, the MArion stuff sounds awesome.

Re: Description of the INDY IV teaser trailer? (POSSIBLE MAJOR

I have a bad feeling about this.

Re: Description of the INDY IV teaser trailer? (POSSIBLE MAJOR

Oooops... I've now heard that this was actually a hoax. Sorry, guys!


Long live the "old" INDYFANS!

Re: Description of the INDY IV teaser trailer? (POSSIBLE MAJOR

Thank goodness. That trailer made the film seem like a mess.